Wednesday, April 18, 2007


In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

I have to admit, Mathematics is sometimes simpler than English.

Mathematics is logical. For example, if you subtract a number with a number bigger than it is, it becomes negative and gains a minus sign to indicate that it is a negative number.

English would be easier if it had such a rule. To form an opposite of a word, add a minus sign before the word.

For example the opposites of efficient, sufficient and sane would be -efficient, -sufficient and -sane.

But since, English, like all languages, is not at all logical, the opposites of efficient, sufficient and sane are actually inefficient, insufficient and insane.

We seem to have a pattern here no? It seems that the opposites are formed using the in- prefix. It is like Mathematics, but with in- instead of a minus sign. Can English really be this simple?

Sadly, no.

Because when you plagiarise the work of another and you lose credibility by doing it, you do not become incredible.

Allah knows best.

ps: Plagiarise is pronounced 'play' (like playing football) + je (like jerk but without the rk) + rice (the food).

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Disclaimer: I am neither an English native speaker nor a qualified English teacher.